The summer is here! Beat the heat with these simple tricks.
Pack Heavy
This may seem counter intuitive, but the secret to being light and cool during oppressive summer temps is to pack heavy! Plan ahead for the inevitable by stuffing your bags with extra clothes for when your littles get too sweaty, overfilling your cooler with more than enough cold drinks and having lots of cool down items on hand. Be sure to include sunscreen, a hat and a shade umbrella!
Cooling Wipes
On particularly inescapable, sweltering days, I make a batch of “Cooling Wipes” for my Tiny Traveler. These are perfect for hot days at the county fair, torture temps of the ballpark or skin melting days camping and hiking.
Here’s what you need:
Package of Unscented Baby Wipes
1/4 cup Witch Hazel
1/2 cup Aloe
Teaspoon of Peppermint Oil
Soak baby wipes in a mixture of witch hazel, aloe and peppermint oil. Keep the “Cooling Wipes” in the refrigerator, cooler or on ice. Wipe on arms, legs, feet, neck or any other pulse point that could use a quick cool down. Skip the peppermint oil for perfect cooling face wipes.
Iced Sippy
Keep sippy cups and bottles of water in the freezer until you’re ready to head out into the heat. As the ice melts, it provides the perfect cooling effect from the inside out for your kiddos. There is no replacement for a good ol’ fashion drink of ice cold water. Avoid juices and sodas, and stick to hydrating H2O.
Cool Kid Clothes
Choosing the right outfit for your sun soaked Tiny Traveler is critical to keeping cool! Select clothing options that are lightweight, light colored and most of all breathable. Look for natural fabrics like cotton, or linen. Rayon can also be a good choice because it breathes really well. Stick to designs that are loose fitting so they don’t retain moisture.
Make a Break For It
Success in the summer is all in the breaks! Get out of the heat, if possible, even for short bursts. If you can’t escape into air conditioning periodically, a rest in the shade will do. Use break time to rehydrate, reapply sunscreen, change into dry clothes, sneak a snack or nap, and rejuvenate for the high temps ahead!
Enough is Enough
Know when you and your kids have hit your limit on the heat and sun. Remember that kiddos tucker out QUICK in the summer sun. Heat exhaustion is a really nasty thing that can creep out in from out of no where. Also, stay on the lookout for sunburn and dehydration symptoms! Most importantly, know when it’s time to hang it up.
Stay cool my friends!
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